

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

Output of Gratitude (But I Don't Get Preachy Until the Last Paragraph)

Output of Gratitude (But I Don't Get Preachy Until the Last Paragraph)

Well, my Thanksgiving Break is finally here, and my ass doesn’t have to go to work for a week. Theoretically, my family is coming down to Texas this week if they can remain healthy enough. The flu is cutting a swathe through them one by one, not unlike my brother Ted carves the turkey every year. I went and bought a Thanksgiving Centerpiece for the Ages for our autumnal spread, so I hope this thing works out — not to mention that I actually want to see my family. I’ve missed them.

My niece Isabelle just turned 20 years old. She is a lovely young woman. I am a cheap old Tante, because all I can think of to get her for her birthday is a crisp $20 bill. Get it? 20 for 20? Christmas is coming up. I’ll make it up then.

I have a new foster dog, Piper. Piper is an amazing Westie, and if I’m not careful, will become the newest member of Chez Shasta & Winston. (Yes, I know I said that about Eddie too.) She has GOT to learn the dog door, though. I’m not her butler. She reminds me of my darling Daisy, and that is a bittersweet realization.

My sister’s birthday was this week. She’s…47? I lose track these days. Don’t ask me how old my younger brothers are. I literally have no idea. I’m a champ if I can just keep track of my nieces’ and nephews’ ages these days (see: Isabelle = 20 above). Hell, half the time I can’t remember how old I am. I’m closing in on 50…that I know.

My friend Becky is coming into town this week. She’s my oldest friend from college, and she likes to fly to various parts of the world and climb mountains and kayak swamps and snowshoe trails, but she’s gotten herself married and settled down in Denver, and every now and then she comes to town, and I love to see her. I’m always so damned pleased to see her. She’s one of those people that is so calm and kind and steadfast. Everybody needs a friend like Becky.

I realize this whole post has been about relationships vs. my usual “What Happened that Pissed Me Off Today (and Other Sundries)”. I have a lot of great people in my life, despite my all-too-frequent loneliness. I may not have any local friends I can call to go out for a drink, but I’ve got a lot of people (and dogs) in my life who love me and whom I love.

Here’s wishing all of my readers a wonderful, bountiful Thanksgiving and merry holiday season. Remember your blessings — they are gifts from our Father God.

(And please pray for my family to rally and get down to Texas for Thanksgiving!!)

Odds & Ends #2

Odds & Ends #2

Odds & Ends #1

Odds & Ends #1