

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

Odds & Ends #6

Odds & Ends #6

I’ve had a permanent stank face lately ever since I stumbled onto Winston getting senile and starting to potty in the house. I thought this was over when Daisy and Alfie expired, but no. Dogs still get old. Dammit. I catch Winnie staring at the wall or licking the stove, and my heart breaks a little.

Piper’s not much better. I’ve finally gotten her to eat, and she’s gaining weight, but now I can’t get her to go outside to potty. No, she prefers to wet the bed when she’s sleeping vs. just going outside and doing her business. She’d be the perfect dog if I could just get her to do what I say. “Eat your food, Piper!” “Go outside, Piper!” But she’s a stubborn little bitch.

So it’s been a week of laundry and sighing at the dogs.

I’m getting a new 4yo female Westie to foster soon. She’s lost her mom, who went into a nursing home. Her name’s Sandy, and now I can’t stop hearing her name in John Travolta’s voice: “Stranded at the drive-in…”.

The Kansas City Chiefs are playing in the Super Bowl! I don’t need to tell you how much I love Travis Kelce with his yellow shoes and gloves that make it easy to spot him on the field since I really have no idea where a tight end is supposed to play. He seems to be all over the field most of the time, and I’ve never bothered to learn all the positions in football. Like tennis, I just pick a guy and follow him, although I will say I know all the rules in tennis because there are, like four, where football has a hundred. I’m always surprised when the refs drag another one out of their bag of tricks.

I know what this gesture means!

Work is going well. Good or bad, I find that when work is going well, life for Ol’ Shazzy is doing well. Even after a year, I still love my job, my company, my leaders and my co-workers. I must’ve done something right to get this lucky. Anyway, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a manager in possession of a busy calendar must be in want of a work wife who will tell him “no.” I’ve been telling my leaders “no” for the last week. Not a single one of them realizes how much time is in an actual working day, and it pits me against the powers of time to find enough time to fit in all the meetings they want to have. “You can’t do this and have a life,” I tell them. “You won’t be able to take Buffy to the vet if I schedule this.” I feel inadequate being not able to materialize time out of a puff of air, but, you know, that’s what I do. Calendar tetris, every day. I start out every morning cracking my knuckles and getting after the keyboard. Like I said, I love it.

“I couldn’t do what you do,” my sister says. “I’d kill somebody.” Yet I keep shuffling meetings with a shit-eating grin on my face, and I love it.

Yes, this is how we admins really look.

Odds & Ends #7

Odds & Ends #7

Drat - I've Got Rats!

Drat - I've Got Rats!